Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our True Identity

"The American people lost sight of our true identity and purpose as a nation. When identity is restored purpose is restored, and with purpose comes empowerment, and with empowerment comes a strong sense of direction! So there is a national shift happening that will affect our identity, purpose, power and direction. Within this national shift we will see a government and economic shift."

The above quote is a portion of a prophecy- it contains an important principal for us. Remember when the CAC did all those surveys and community forums? Before our community's direction could be determined they were trying to figure out Who Hornepayne is. As a community, what's our identity? What's our strengths and weaknesses and how can we use those things for our own betterment? When we know who we are then our purpose can be identified. Once we know our purpose we can create the steps to put it into action- thus we move forward. An action plan has already been created. You can get a copy at the HEDC.

Hornepayne is clean, pollution free. We're hunters and fishermen. We're lovers of the outdoors. Does Nuclear Waste fit with who we are? The only part of it that we're connecting to is the money. If there was no money involved we'd have absolutely no connection to it- None! Nuclear Power and Nuclear Waste is a normal part of other communities. They live among it. They're families work at the plants. They know Nuclear. This is not who we are.

Beware of this learning process. They want us to learn to be something that we're not. Saying things like Scientist and people with PHDs will join our community is a bribe that plays into our identity. "With Nuclear Waste Hornepayne will be a smarter community." And we want that as a part of our identity so we buy into it.

Be Aware of the messages that are being sent out. If it seems to good to be true, chances are it is.

Edit to Add:
I was just pondering this a bit more .

It's true that we all go off to college and learn something new. It's not that we can't learn new things and become better as a result. I'm talking about the person who, let's say was born loving kids and always wanted to be a teacher. It's great if that person goes to school and does that. It's a tragedy (IMO) if that person is motivated for more money and chooses a different path. Money does not bring true happiness. Maybe at first it will seem great, but it won't last because the real longings will continue to go unsatisfied. That person will always desire to be a teacher.

As a community I feel that we're doing this with Nuclear Waste.

1 comment:

  1. I was just pondering this a bit more .

    It's true that we all go off to college and learn something new. It's not that we can't learn new things and become better as a result. I'm talking about the person who, let's say was born loving kids and always wanted to be a teacher. It's great if that person goes to school and does that. It's a tragedy (IMO) if that person is motivated for more money and chooses a different path. Money does not bring true happiness. Maybe at first it will seem great, but it won't last because the real longings will continue to go unsatisfied. That person will always desire to be a teacher.

    As a community I feel that we're doing this with Nuclear Waste.
