A blocked road temporarily disturbs the road system. A broken pipe line that is laid under 800 rivers won't be a temporary annoyance.
Our country is in Danger. Clean Land and Drinkable Water are our greatest Resources. Money won't be of much value when these resources are greatly limited.
The First Peoples value their land more than money.
The root of all evil is the LOVE of money.
"God keep our land, glorious and free."
I'm praying for this Movement called "Idle No More". Our society is in need of knowing the Heart of the First Peoples. Their ways are not our ways. We have a long history of trying to kill "their ways" so only ours remain. If we were successful, our Country's destruction would be guaranteed. In this time we need to learn about "their ways" and honor them by restructuring our Country's priorities to reflect their presence!
I hear some speak negatively about the road blocks. I look at it this way: the road system is a "white man" system and they're causing little chaos compared to the chaos that has been caused to their systems. We know little about the chaos that we have caused because we still know little about "their ways". Their Heart is for the Land- they Love the Land. It's sacred to them.
Our Country is in danger right now and it will be as long as the economy is our #1 priority. It should be A priority but it shouldn't be governing all our decisions. I'd like to see the protection of our land and water as the #1 priority in Canada. Keep our land safe and then make money. We need "their ways" to influence "our ways". This is truly a pivotal time in Canadian History. Change is on the horizon.